As a booker, Nelson Lewis started producing segments for Fox and talent booking for the network’s weekend daytime programming division. Hired in 2006 initially as a guest coordinator, Nelson proved that he could work quite well in the fast-paced newsroom environment and efficiently handle the pressure of deadlines and large egos. Nelson was given increased responsibilities within the department to eventually take on the task of booking produce segments for air on the network’s weekend programming.
In 2008, Nelson Lewis became a fixture on Greta Van Susteren’s web-show Livewire, making countless appearances discussing various topics ranging from current news events and media coverage to more lighthearted subjects such as Washington’s social scene and dating. The ten minute nightly web program took a sneak peak behind the scenes at what was coming up for air on “On the Record”.

The ten minute nightly web program took a sneak peak behind the scenes at what was coming up for air on “On the Record”. Part of Nelson’s duties at Fox News were to find guests to appear on the air and discuss subjects of national interest, many of whom were people that had never before appeared on the network. One of the highlights of Nelson’s career thus far was when he was present inside the house chamber for the 2007 State of the Union after the Democrats took over the house in the sweep of the 2006 midterms and Nancy Pelosi became the first female to preside over congress as speaker of the House of Representatives. He was also present for the 2008 Republican and Democratic Primaries, and covered the 2008 Presidential Election, booking political and legal news segments for the network’s for weekend programming.

Nelson Lewis worked on the booking side of shows such as America’s Election Headquarters, Fox News Live (FNL), and Fox Report Weekend. From the production side, Nelson assisted the network with shows such as Cavuto, Hannity, Geraldo at Large and the O’rielly Factor as well as assist from the logistics side with the launch of Fox’s sister network, Fox Business Network (FBN).
Nelson was afforded the unique honor of working with the brightest names in the business while at America’s highest rated cable news network in DC. The experience served to be a extremely educational and quite entertaining career launching pad.
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