Rowing Around the World
Some 3,000 years ago, migrants out of Taiwan left in large boats to make their homes in the islands of the Pacific: New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii and Tahiti, to name a few. Their descendants multiplied, and thus the Polynesian race was born. Back in 2014, a...

Courting Bernie’s Supporters
Despite clinching the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton’s still got plenty of hurdles to face if she wants all Democrats to back her. Bernie’s supporters seem reluctant to back her, viewing her as just as bad as Trump. Every time Bernie mentioned her name at a...
Greece Bridge Loan
At a conference call meant to tap the EU’s EFSM emergency fund, Eurozone ministers have recently agreed to give Greece a €7 billion “bridge” loan from an EU-wide fund to keep the country’s finances afloat until a bailout is finally approved. This loan is expected to...
Rachel Dolezal Resigns
After being accused of falsely portraying herself as black, Spokane’s NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal quit today, saying that she remains committed to fighting for “what is right and good”. Late last week, Dolezal’s career as a black civil rights leader began to unravel...
The Great Patriotic War
The Western image of World War II, particularly the American one, is one of a conflict that we won, whether at Normandy or Iwo Jima, through the help of such men as George S. Patton, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Winston Churchill, or thanks to such weapons as the atomic...
Tsarnaev’s Mother Speaks Out
Nearly two years ago, two pressure-cooker bombs ripped through a crowd of spectators near the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring nearly 300. Shortly afterwards, police forces across the Boston area were on a manhunt for two brothers,...
Tom Cotton Stands By Letter
Newly-elected junior senator Tom Cotton has recently gone under criticism for his open letter to Iran about their negotiations with the US, since many believed that it undermined not only the Obama administration, but also the authority of America abroad. However, in...
ISIS Accepts Loyalty Plea
Last weekend, the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram made a pledge of loyalty to ISIS in Iraq. And yesterday, ISIS spokesman Abu al-Adnani announced that they had accepted the group’s pledge, saying that they had “expanded” to West Africa. Previously, Al Adnani had...
Alberto Nisman Investigation
Last month, Argentinean federal prosecutor Alberto Nisman died under mysterious circumstances, found dead at his home in Buenos Aires. The lawyer was set to testify during the investigation of the 1994 attack on a Buenos Aires Jewish center, which left 85 people....
Obama’s Proposal
Earlier today, President Obama opened the door to ground combat operations against ISIS, asking Congress to formally authorize military force against the militants. If left unchecked, he said, ISIS will continue to pose a threat, and not just in the Middle East....